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In September 2015, Kelly Rainbow Butterfly (Lapseritis) read one of the channeled messages from sasquatch that SunBôw shared on a facebook group post. Kelly and SunBôw connected and collaborated to publish “The Sasquatch Message to Humanity” online to be shared with large audiences.
After publishing these messages online, the comments and feedback were phenomenal and many people requested a hard copy to carry around and share and thus began the process of making them available in paperback and e-book in 2016. SunBôw continued to receive and transcribe messages from Kamooh and other Sasquatch Elders and in 2017, the second book was created and released.
Kelly was also channeling messages from several Elders and was guided to collaborate with other sasquatch communicators including SunBôw on The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 3; Earth Ambassadors Cooperation which was published in May 2018.
We would like to thank everyONE for their support of Kelly, SunBôw, and all ambassadors of the loving Sasquatch People; these books have been made possible due to your love, support, and search for Truth. It is our intent to help others heal and find their path of Light by sharing this message to humanity on behalf of the Sasquatchi Collective Consciousness.
On the evening of September 28, 2015, there was a rare total Lunar Eclipse of a Super Blood Moon. This eclipse was the fourth and final eclipse in a series of lunar eclipses called the lunar tetrad. These rare eclipses are known for causing energetic shifts and unexplained anomalies. This Harvest Moon was unique and phenomenal for many more reasons.
Our ancient ancestors, the Sasquatch people, along with the Cosmos rejoiced during this full moon eclipse not only because of this sacred event but also because of the reconnection made between souls and the collective mission to share our experiences of love, truth, and wisdom from our Elder Brothers of the forest. It is because that evening was the first time that I read a chapter from “The Sasquatch Message to Humanity.” It was Chapter 7 to be exact, and from that moment on, an obvious shift had begun. I immediately recognized this passage as truth and my own sasquatch guides were surrounding me and jumping for joy for this new reality and connection that I had made with the author, SunBôw, a spiritual brother whom I was destined to meet along my path.
Our meeting on September 28, 2015 was an energetic catalyst to the channeling of the additional 43 chapters of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity; for the following day was the beginning of several long days for SunBôw of receiving and transcribing these channeled telepathic messages from Sasquatch Elder Kamooh. This re-connection created a flow that manifested into meeting and aligning with many more individuals from all over the world that know the Sasquatch People and their message of Love.
The Sasquatch people and the Council of Star Elders say that NOW is the time to share this information and they are excited that more people are working together to save humanity and Mother Earth by raising our vibration to higher levels of consciousness. It is time to know our truth and to unite into peaceful interspecies relations and once again sit with the Council of Star Elders. It is up to our humanity at this time to make the necessary changes to collectively raise our vibration in an effort to avoid another mass extinction and destruction of our planet. It all starts by changing our thinking. Everyone likes the idea of saving the world, but if you try, the world will destroy you. However, if you change yourself, the world around you will change with you.
The annual Sasquatch Family Reunion gathering is inspired and guided by Sasquatch Elders as well as many other Star Elders and Light Beings. In 2016, the planning for the first Spiritual and Psychic Sasquatch Conference began for September 17, 2016. This event coincides with the meeting of SunBow TrueBrother and the collaboration in publishing The Sasquatch Message to Humanity.
Once planning began
SunBôw True Brother leading the opening circle at the 3rd annual Sasquatch Family Reunion (formally called the Psychic Sasquatch Retreat) at the Chewelah Peak Learning Center in September 2018
Kelly Butterfly is an author, editor, and publisher for Rainbow Butterfly Publications and the Sasquatch Message to Humanity channeled book series. She is in service to others as a Medicine Woman, Rainbow Reiki & Quantum Healing Practitioner, event coordinator, Digital Art Creator & Marketing Specialist and heARTist specializing in positive-energy generating Orgonite or Chi Energy Devices. Kelly is a multidimensional accelerator, medium and clairvoyant and facilitates others to innerstand their galactic and karmic roots and offers personal readings and healing sessions.
Since 2012, Kelly has been in active communication with multidimensional beings such as Star Elders, Sasquatch People, Inner Earth beings, Ancestors and nature spirits. She has learned and practiced sacred ways from divine sources and several Native American Elders and shamans. She is an active channel and has a manuscript and projects in the works for more publications.
In 2019, Kelly founded the Children of Earth Coalition (COEC), an alliance of world-wide community members committed to the regeneration of Earth and all Living Beings. The COEC's goal is to develop spirit and nature-based educational programs, events and WHOLEistic healing centers. COEC is a tree with many branches of outreach and education such as:
- Sasquatch Family Reunion and Sacred Spirit Events and Gatherings
- Inland Northwest and Northeast Washington Permaculture Guilds
- Intenders of the Highest Good Intentional Community
- Stargazer Library and COEC Education Center
- Children of Earth Coalition Wellness Services
You can find more information about The Sasquatch Message to Humanity series and other publications and media by Rainbow Butterfly Publications at
More information about COEC and the Sasquatch Family Reunion and community gatherings, products and services for sale, videos and other media is at
For more information and videos about what I and the Children of Earth Coalition are doing, you can find us at the following places:
Connect with Kelly Rainbow Butterfly and Affiliated Projects:
Instagram: (5 accounts) @rainbowbutterflykelly, @sasquatchfamilyreunion, @children_of_earth_coalition, @intentional_orgonite_heartwork, @sacred_sasquatch
Facebook Pages:
Rainbow Butterfly Publications:
Children of Earth Coalition:
Sasquatch Family Reunion and Events:
The Sasquatch Message to Humanity:
Rainbow Butterfly Orgonite and Intentional heARTwork:
Rainbow Reiki and Ancestral Readings by Kelly Butterfly:
Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild:
Northeast Washington Permaculture Guild:
Facebook Groups:
Sasquatch Family Reunion CommUNITY:
Sasquatch Shamanism:
Wisdom from our Elders: